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Power BI has established itself as a leading business intelligence platform, providing organizations with the tools to visualize and analyse their data. In its continuous efforts to enhance data collaboration, Microsoft introduced a groundbreaking feature called Onelake. In this blog post, we will explore the capabilities of Onelake in Power BI and how it enables seamless data sharing and collaboration within organizations.

What is Onelake?

Onelake is a powerful data sharing and collaboration feature integrated into Power BI. It allows users to securely share data across multiple workspaces within an organization, enabling a unified and controlled data environment. OneLake serves as the storage solution for various Fabric data items, including data warehouses and lakehouses, automatically storing their data in delta parquet format.

Unified Data Environment

In organizations, where different teams or departments maintain separate datasets, leading to inconsistent and fragmented insights. Onelake addresses this issue by providing a unified data environment in Power BI. It allows users to publish datasets to a shared space, making them accessible to authorized users across various workspaces.

Seamless Data Sharing

Onelake simplifies the process of sharing data by eliminating the need to duplicate or export datasets. Users can share datasets directly from their workspace to a central data lake, making it accessible to other workspaces within the organization.

Granular Data Permissions

Onelake offers granular data permissions, allowing administrators to control who can access and edit datasets. With fine-grained control over data access, organizations can ensure that sensitive or confidential information remains protected while enabling collaboration among authorized users.

Data Refresh and Synchronization

When the source dataset is refreshed, the changes are automatically propagated to the shared datasets in different workspaces. This real-time synchronization eliminates the need for manual updates, ensuring that insights and reports based on shared datasets are always accurate and current.

Enhanced Collaboration and Efficiency

Data analysts and business users can collaborate on shared datasets, eliminating the need for redundant data preparation and transforming workflows. This streamlined approach saves time, reduces duplication of efforts, and promotes consistent data insights throughout the organization.


Onelake in Power BI revolutionizes data sharing and collaboration within organizations. Onelake empowers organizations to break down data silos and drive data collaboration.